Grant McLachlan - Column
Jan 287 min read
The Politics of Stupid
Oscar Wilde said: "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." In Snells Beach, life imitates the films Zoolander and Hot Fuzz.

Grant McLachlan
Oct 3, 20244 min read
Auckland Council: Too big to care, too complex to control.
Auckland Council has grown so vast that watchdogs lack the resources to keep up, fostering a culture that often rewards dubious conduct.

Grant McLachlan
Sep 23, 20233 min read
The 'unknowns' that will decide this election
Many politicians have said, “The only poll that matters is election day.” What polls don’t consider could decide this election.

Grant McLachlan
Sep 20, 20234 min read
How much of our culture is contrived?
Is our changing culture making us any the wiser Grant McLachlan asks.

Grant McLachlan
Feb 19, 20233 min read
Signs that voters want change
One sign that voters want change is when they don’t take the government seriously. A sure sign is when authorities won’t enforce those laws.

Ruth Hill - Radio New Zealand
Apr 6, 20216 min read
Ex-ACT staffer Grant McLachlan says party created fake grassroots groups
Political pundits and media experts are warning that artificial grassroots organisations are being used to manipulate public opinion.

Grant McLachlan - Column
Oct 16, 20204 min read
Beware of List MPs hiding behind leaders
The Act Party list was announced on Sunday 28 June 2020. The most notable change to the list was the demotion of Deputy Leader Beth...

Grant McLachlan - Column
Oct 14, 20204 min read
Dopey economic theory causing social decline
The Herald headline read "Auckland Council golf courses a $2b-plus development bonanza." Here is the column challenging it.

Grant McLachlan
Oct 2, 20205 min read
Kiwis are more corrupted than they think
New Zealanders place more trust in their politicians and journalists than they should.

Grant McLachlan - Column
Sep 29, 20204 min read
Why we should have zero tolerance for Act
Sex, drugs, fraud and bullying. What the Act Party doesn't want you to know this election.

Grant McLachlan
Sep 28, 202013 min read
Astroturfs: Act Three of 'Dirty Politics'
The history of astroturfs in New Zealand is closely associated to the history of the Act Party.

Grant McLachlan - Column
Jul 14, 20203 min read
Taxpayer Union just a right-wing puppet
When pushing for more transparency and less waste in government, the NZ Taxpayers’ Union should be more up front who they're advocating for.

Grant McLachlan - New Zealand Herald - Column
Jun 21, 20183 min read
State agencies should know the limits of their power to spy
Click here to visit the link to the original article. Click on the image below to enlarge. The government spy agency, Security...

Grant McLachlan - New Zealand Herald - Column
Dec 19, 20173 min read
Injured paying too much tax on ACC
To view the original column, please click here. If the new Government is so concerned about the most vulnerable members of our society it...

Grant McLachlan - Gisborne Herald - Column
Oct 27, 20173 min read
Gisborne needn't be end of the line
To view the published column, please visit this link. The original column is shown below. The section of the Gisborne-Wairoa railway...

Grant McLachlan - New Zealand Herald - Column
Oct 25, 20173 min read
Phil Goff painting himself into corner over North Rodney
To view the original article, please click here. Auckland Mayor Phil Goff's position against a North Rodney referendum to break away from...

Grant McLachlan - New Zealand Herald - Column
Sep 27, 20173 min read
Helping form new govt untried strategy for Peters
To view the original article, please click here. For all the reasons Winston Peters should support a National or Labour-led government he...

Grant McLachlan
Sep 27, 201710 min read
FACT CHECK: Did Didsbury bury his complicity in Boathouse Bay?
If you view this year’s 1 March issue of Mahurangi Matters, one thing stands out. Can you spot it?

Checkpoint - Radio New Zealand
Jul 26, 20171 min read
Little town wants a big roundabout
Grant is involved with the Fix Hill Street Now action group to fix New Zealand's worst intersection. He features in this episode of Radio...

TVNZ, Greenstone TV
Jun 8, 20171 min read
Gutsful – Episode 4 – NZ's Worst Intersection
Grant is involved with the Fix Hill Street Now action group to fix New Zealand's worst intersection. He features in this episode of...