Grant McLachlan
Dec 12, 202412 min read
Groundhog Day at New Zealand's worst intersection
New Zealand's worst intersection symbolises decades of vested interests and dirty politics dividing an increasingly irrelevant community.
Grant McLachlan
Oct 3, 20244 min read
Auckland Council: Too big to care, too complex to control.
Auckland Council has grown so vast that watchdogs lack the resources to keep up, fostering a culture that often rewards dubious conduct.
Grant McLachlan
Sep 25, 202416 min read
Warkworth's celebrity crooked cop culture
When I filmed the mother of a cop break my nose, several cops told me to not share the footage with Warkworth Police.
Sep 20, 20243 min read
Police 'aghast' unsupervised volunteers opened community station to public
Police were "aghast" to find volunteers at a community police centre north of Auckland opened the station to the public without supervision.
Grant McLachlan
Aug 12, 202428 min read
R v McLachlan: What was Constable Fairbrass thinking?
You'd expect that a police constable with ambitions of becoming a detective would be careful with their investigations, wouldn't you?
Grant McLachlan
Aug 12, 202411 min read
R v McLachlan: Who turned the Keasts?
There is a considerable difference between what Corinne and John Keast did, compared to what they said. Why?
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 20242 min read
New book uncovers corruption at every layer of a community.
Unleashed is investigative writer Grant McLachlan’s Kafkaesque account of a community often at the centre of many NZ corruption scandals.
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 20245 min read
How a right wing racket unleashed on me.
When RNZ’s Ruth Hill contacted me about my September 2020 astroturfing article, a year later I would be facing prison time.
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 202411 min read
R v McLachlan: Paul Shanahan's list of lies
Paul Shanahan tried to be more than the star witness. Here are some of the lies that he said while under oath in court.
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 20243 min read
R v McLachlan: The corrupt dog ranger
According to Warkworth Police, they didn't discuss my case with the council. This evidence proves someone was lying.
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 20247 min read
R v McLachlan: How Lois McPherson and Lorraine Martin perverted the course of justice.
During a trial, a support person is meant to sit quietly next to a complainant giving evidence. Instead, Lois McPherson whispered answers.
Grant McLachlan
Jul 28, 20246 min read
R v McLachlan: The 'expensive' camera.
Lorraine Martin hit me with her camera twice, threw it at my face twice, and witnesses twice attempted to return it. Didn't she value it?
Jun 16, 20240 min read
Rodney Office Holders 1998-
A list of mayors, councillors, and local board members for Rodney District and Auckland Councils.
Grant McLachlan
Jun 15, 20241 min read
Unleashed - locations of the Snells Beach racket
Here are the locations mentioned in Unleashed relating to the Snells Beach racket.
Grant McLachlan
Feb 9, 20245 min read
Photo evidence thwarts farcical prosecution.
"If Mr McLachlan hadn't taken those four photos, would anyone even consider his version of events?"
- Tudor Clee, R v McLachlan
Grant McLachlan
Sep 23, 20233 min read
The 'unknowns' that will decide this election
Many politicians have said, “The only poll that matters is election day.” What polls don’t consider could decide this election.
Grant McLachlan
Sep 20, 20234 min read
How much of our culture is contrived?
Is our changing culture making us any the wiser Grant McLachlan asks.
Lakes Weekly Bulletin
Sep 12, 20233 min read
Short film to be shot in Queenstown
Internationally published researcher and writer Grant McLachlan has adopted Queenstown as the location to produce several film projects.
Grant McLachlan
Feb 19, 20233 min read
Signs that voters want change
One sign that voters want change is when they don’t take the government seriously. A sure sign is when authorities won’t enforce those laws.
Grant McLachlan
Sep 27, 20222 min read
The importance of heritage
The Auckland Heritage Festival 2022 between 1-16 October, theme is ‘Topography, Taonga and Trailblazers.’